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主题标题: 改造和重建房屋的成本! [高级模式]
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    帖子一览:改造和重建房屋的成本! (新回复在最前,最多列出 6 个)  [列出所有回复]
    广辉地产 发表于: 2015/04/24 03:43pm
    [这个贴子最后由广辉地产在 2015/04/24 03:50pm 第 1 次编辑]

    当你做旧房改造和推到重建房屋时,根据权威机构CMHC(Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)提供的参考数据可以大致粗略计算建筑成本。建筑工程主要包括:屋顶,泛水,烟囱;外部;结构;电;加热;制冷;保温;水暖;室内等部分。

    Roofing / Flashings / Chimneys

    Install conventional asphalt shingles over existing shingles

    $2.00 - $4.00 per sq.ft.

    Strip and reshingle with conventional asphalt shingles

    $2.75- $5.50 per sq.ft.

    Strip and reshingle with premium quality asphalt shingles

    $5.00 - $10.00 per sq .ft.

    Strip and re-roof with cedar shingles

    $9.00 - $18.00 per sq .ft.

    Strip and replace built-up tar and gravel roof

    $10.00 - $20.00 per sq.ft. (min. $1000)

    Strip and replace single-ply membrane

    $10.00 - $20.00 per sq.ft. (min. $1000)

    Reflash typical skylight or chimney

    $500.00 - $1000.00

    Rebuild typical chimney above roof line

    $25.00 - $50.00 per row of bricks (min. $400)

    Rebuild typical single flue chimney above roof line

    $200.00 - $400.00 per lin.ft. (min. $1000)


    Install galvanized or aluminum gutters and downspouts

    $5.00 - $10.00 per lin.ft. (min. $500)

    Install aluminum soffits and fascia

    $8.00 - $16.00 per lin.ft.

    Install aluminum or vinyl siding

    $6.00 - $12.00 per sq.ft.

    Repoint exterior wall (soft mortar)

    $3.00 - 6.00 per sq.ft. (min. $500)

    Repoint exterior wall (hard mortar)

    $5.00 - $10.00 per sq.ft. (min. $500)

    Parge foundation walls

    $3.00 - $6.00 per sq.ft.

    Dampproof foundation walls and install weeping tile

    $150.00 - $300.00 per lin.ft. (min. $3000)

    Install a deck

    $25.00 - $50.00 per sq.ft. (min. $1000)

    Resurface existing asphalt driveway

    $2.00 - $4.00 per sq.ft.

    Install interlocking brick driveway

    $8.00 - $16.00 per sq.ft.

    Rebuild exterior basement stairwell

    $5000.00 and up

    Build detached garage

    $70.00 - $140.00 per sq.ft.

    Build retaining wall (wood)

    $20.00 - $40.00 per sq.ft. (min. $500)

    Build retaining wall (concrete)

    $30.00 - $60.00 per sq.ft. (min $500)

    Painting (trim only)

    $2000.00 - $4000.00 and up

    Painting (trim and wall surfaces)

    $5000.00 and up


    Underpin one corner of house

    $5000.00 and up

    Underpin or add foundations

    $300.00 and up per lin.ft. (min. $3000)

    Lower basement floor by underpinning and/or bench footings

    $150.00 - $300.00 per lin.ft. (min. $5000)

    Replace deteriorating sill beam with concrete

    $60.00 and up per lin.ft. (min. $2000)

    Install basement support post with proper foundation

    $800.00 - $1600.00

    Perform chemical treatment for termites

    $2000.00 and up

    Repair minor crack in poured concrete foundation

    $400.00 - $800.00


    Upgrade electrical service to 100 amps (including new panel)

    $1200.00 - $3000.00

    Upgrade electrical service to 100 amps (if suitably sized panel already exists)

    $800.00 - $1600.00

    Upgrade electrical service to 200 amps

    $1700.00 - $3500.00

    Install new circuit breaker panel

    $700.00 - $1400.00

    Replace circuit breaker (20 amp or less)

    $100.00 - $200.00

    Add 120 volt circuit (microwave, freezer, etc.)

    $150.00 - $300.00

    Add 240 volt circuit (dryer, stove, etc.)

    $300.00 - $600.00

    Add conventional receptacle

    $200.00 - $400.00

    Replace conventional receptacle with ground fault circuit receptacle

    $70.00 -$140.00

    Replace conventional receptacle with aluminum compatible type (CO/ALR)(assuming several are required)

    $60.00 - $120.00 ea.

    Upgrade entire house with aluminum compatible receptacles, connectors, etc.

    $1000.00 - $2000.00

    Rewire electrical outlet with reversed polarity (assuming electrician already there)

    $5.00 - $10.00 ea.

    Replace knob & tube wiring with conventional wiring (per room)

    $1000.00 - $2000.00


    Install mid-efficiency forced-air furnace

    $2500.00 - $5000.00

    Install high-efficiency forced-air furnace

    $3500.00 - $7000.00

    Install humidifier

    $300.00 - $600.00

    Install electronic air filter

    $800.00 - $1600.00

    Install mid-efficiency boiler

    $3500.00 - $7000.00

    Install high-efficiency boiler

    $6000.00 - $12000.00

    Install circulating pump

    $400.00 - $600.00

    Install chimney liner for gas appliance

    $500.00 - $1000.00

    Install chimney liner for oil appliance

    $700.00 - $1800.00

    Install programmable thermostat

    $200.00 - $400.00

    Replace indoor oil tank

    $1200.00 - $2500.00

    Remove oil tank from basement

    $600.00 and up

    Remove abandoned underground oil tank

    $10000.00 and up

    Replace radiator valve

    $300.00 - $600.00

    Add electric baseboard heater

    $250.00 - $500.00

    Convert from hot water heating to forced-air (bungalow)

    $10000.00 - $20000.00

    Convert from hot water heating to forced-air (two storey)

    $15000.00 - $30000.00

    Clean ductwork

    $300.00 - $600.00

    Cooling / Heat Pumps

    Add central air conditioning on existing forced-air system

    $3000.00 and up

    Add heat pump to forced-air system

    $4000.00 - $8000.00

    Replace heat pump or air conditioning condenser

    $1200.00 - $2500.00

    Install independent air conditioning system

    $10000.00 - $20000.00

    Install ductless air conditioning system

    $3000.00 - $7000.00


    Insulate open attic to modern standards

    $0.80 - $1.60 per sq.ft.

    Blow insulation into flat roof, cathedral ceiling or wall cavity

    $2.00 - $4.00 per sq.ft.

    Improve attic ventilation

    $30.00 - $60.00 per vent


    Replace galvanized piping with copper (2 storey with one bathroom)

    $2500.00 - $5000.00

    Replace water line to house

    $2000.00 and up

    Replace toilet

    $500.00 and up

    Replace basin, including faucets

    $750.00 and up

    Replace bathtub, including ceramic tile and faucets

    $2500.00 and up

    Install whirlpool bath, including faucets

    $3500.00 and up

    Retile bathtub enclosure

    $1000.00 - $2000.00

    Replace leaking shower stall pan

    $1000.00 - $2000.00

    Rebuild tile shower stall

    $2500.00 - $5000.00

    Replace laundry tubs

    $400.00 - $800.00

    Remodel four-piece bathroom completely

    $6000.00 - $50000.00

    Connect waste plumbing system to municipal sewers

    $5000.00 and up

    Install submersible pump

    $1000.00 and up

    Install suction or jet pump

    $700.00 and up

    Install modest basement bathroom

    $6000.00 and up


    Add drywall over plaster

    $4.00 - $8.00 per sq.ft.

    Sand and refinish hardwood floors

    $2.00 - $4.00 per sq.ft.

    Install replacement windows

    $40.00 - $120.00 per sq.ft.

    Install storm window

    $200.00 - $400.00

    Install masonry fireplace (if flue already roughed-in)

    $3000.00 and up

    Install zero-clearance firelace (including chimney)

    $3500.00 and up

    Install glass doors on fireplace

    $300.00 and up

    Install skylight


    Remodel kitchen completely

    $10,000.00 - $110000.00

    Install gas fireplace

    $3500.00 and up


    买房卖房 广辉帮忙
    Guanghui (Kevin) Lu(CCS-授权公寓房产专家) MBA
    International G.H.L. Inc. (广辉地产)
    Tél. : (587) 969-3388 ; email: canadabroker777@gmail.com
    微信: kevin5787 ;网站:www.canada8888.com; 微信订阅号: 广辉地产


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