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主题标题: My Road Test Failures [简洁模式]
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    帖子一览:My Road Test Failures (新回复在最前)  [列出前 6 个回复]
    david5621 发表于: 2009/04/17 04:32am
    BreezeSun 发表于: 2009/04/16 01:11pm
    I failed my road test two times last year. and the second time was worse than the first one (same examiner) just because agured with the examiner on some failed point. So untill today I did not take the third test for fear of failing again.For me road test is not a easy thing,and not having a car greatly impact my life and work, even caused some psychologic problem.Hope someone good hearted can help me.Thanks.
    amanoversea 发表于: 2008/12/14 03:41am
    As i understood yr situation & as u know when people facing any exmaination should have some stress. BUT i believe "examiner" under Canada rules be fair which keep public safety for everyone...Meanwhile i taken 2 times road test w/same Examiner (Sxx) as i remember that HE gave me the good advise & i practised more...Finally i got the pass at 2nd test so i need to say thanks again to Him.  所以考試失敗,也要知自己的問題在那裡,改善過來,最終也可成功!!!  
    orange125 发表于: 2008/12/06 06:11am
    You should not be depressed because of "Failing a driving exam", failing this exam is nothing, you can take as much as you want...
    My past situation was same as yours(failed 2 times + lots of driving hrs), but you have to practice (especially the right turn, with slight braking-right shoulder check,then turn right).During driving exam, you should have an average speed of 40-50km/hr(on normal road)

    The examiner is very fair,you should not put the blame on examiner. He thinks in terms of your safety & the public safety. if you are not comfortable behind the wheel & cant feel the steering wheel, You put yourself, the people surround you & the public at risk.

    zatarra 发表于: 2008/08/17 04:16am

    verveine42 发表于: 2008/08/16 07:05am
    i have the exact experience as you. I believe this is the business collateral. my instructor is mr Dong from international driving school. and the exam is Sam.
    just before my road test, Mr.Dong give the hint to Sam that i don't speak cantonese, i only speak menderine and english. I have do some research, a lot of people said that Sam treat people come from china with very bad attitute and failed them as he like.He even trick me on the exam and make me feel very uncomfotable.i would like to let the people have the same experience as us to know, you can feel free to complain about the examiner to Alberta Transpotation.310-0000 And for supporting Chinese business, screw it. In here, they just take advantage from you. Feel confidence in yourself and find the big company like AMA.  
    david5621 发表于: 2008/07/22 03:21am
    BreezeSun 发表于: 2008/07/15 04:44pm
    how about your current situation? already passed road test?
    uid9150 发表于: 2008/06/08 10:09pm
    The second road test was better than the first one, I got two failures, and lost 50 points. the first failure was failing to change lane when my way was impeded ( actually I was waiting for examiner's permission, he did asked me to change lane in my first test); the second failure slow turning right (7km/hour). Based on the progress, I can easily anticipate that my next road test with Sam, if there is any, will be failed again, furthermore, I may loss 30 points and get one failure. That's enough! I need another change.
    First, I need to have some assessment by a outsider. so I made appointment with Dadid5821 for a 2 hours drive. It went well.it's proven that I am not a stupid driver nor am I a slow learner. I definitely need more practice to further strengthen my driving skill and to amend my smashed confidence.

    Second, if I continue with International, I can select the following road test examiners:

    Simon (male)
    Judy (female)
    unknown white man/woman

    Now if anyone knows anything about those examiners, please post your comment.

    It's too late for me to know the "终于知道路考杀手的名字了"

    I hope our mainland people can make your own judgment and make your own decision. Let's put it in this way, what if I had Mr. Fang as my first trainer, and anyone except Sam as my road test examiner? Would I fail so many times? it's unlikely for sure!

    (The End)

    uid9150 发表于: 2008/06/08 09:31pm
    [这个贴子最后由uid9150在 2008/06/08 02:46pm 第 1 次编辑]

    what about my second road test? well, after my fist road test, I found what I learned was not good enough, and every time my lesson was terminated 15 minutes ahead of time, if including the 10 minutes break after one hour, I lost 25 minutes each time. that means my totally 10 hours driving lessons was not more than 9 hours!  Well I was still determined to support our Chinese school, so I asked for a change, and waited another few weeks, finally I had a two hours lessons with Mr. Fang, who is really nice! He showed me his professionalism. He told me how to steer the steer wheel and how to make a turn properly. It was a great experience.  
    I was quite confident while I was sitting for my second road test until I found the road test examiner was the same person, Sam who failed my last time. Fear of failure again loomed in my mind. I knew my road ahead was wet and uneven. I only hoped that this road test was impartial.

    (to be continued)

    uid9150 发表于: 2008/06/08 09:14pm
    when I was considering selecting a driving school, I was looking at Alberta Motor Association, but my colleague said that I should support our Chinese schools and save a few hundred bucks, so I called Safty driving school, but unfortunately I had to wait for 3 more weeks, due to the high demands,therefore  I chose International school.
    The problem I had here was that I didn't do any homework to find out who is the best trainer there, nor did I pay any attention to select a preferable road test examiner. So at the very beginning I was not on the right track, and that would decide that the result was not satisfactory!

    After the first road test, i had three disqualifications, steering turns wanders/recovery and slow lane change. Although I lost only 70 points, the three failures shattered my dream for class 5 driving license.

    (to be continued)

    uid9150 发表于: 2008/06/08 08:58pm
    People don't talk about failure very often, simply because it's embarrassing. My struggle to succeed my road test is still under going, and I still don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. To share with you my experience during the monthly ordeal, I hope you guys won't make the same mistakes.Here are the questions and answers:
    Q. which driving school did I attend?
    A. International Driving Academy Ltd.

    Q. who was my trainer?
    A. Mr. Dong for 10 hours; Mr. Dang for 2hours

    Q. who was my examiners?
    A. SAM (examiner#02808)

    Q. how many times did I fail the road test?
    A. 2

    Q. how many points did I get?
    A. first test, 70; second test 50

    Q. was it a fair road test?
    A. No.

    (to be continued)


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