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主题标题: 救援全球动物捐款籌款协会(第29期) [简洁模式]
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    帖子一览:救援全球动物捐款籌款协会(第29期) (新回复在最前,最多列出 6 个)  [列出所有回复]
    satiou1i 发表于: 2020/04/26 12:31pm
    [这个贴子最后由satiou1i在 2020/05/15 10:10pm 第 2 次编辑]

    Save and rescue global animals donation association/救援全球动物捐款籌款协会(第29期). if you want to help and support us to save and rescue and support the global animal around the world, welcome send us donation by paypal to support us in any global city, we need your financial helping and supporting! you can send us your financial support by paypal from your current city around the world and we are helping and saving and rescuing for the global animals over 150 countries in everyday around the world this actually we need your financial help and support and we are helping those animals are not only mainly cat and dog only and including many different types of other animals from the world.

    this is our Paypal mail for receiving global donation supports money from paypal, you can choose it for sending us your animal donation by paypal in anytime 24 hours around the global cities  :     gloriachan1972@sina.com

    p.s. thank you for support us no matter how much you send us that will help us really for the global animal rescuing and saving and our headquarter is in UK London where is nearby high street station or near holiday inn London now.You can support(send)us how much you want such as from $10 USD to $1000 USD or even more or just send how much you want or you can send by Paypal that is also ok no problem at all to help us and the amount is up to you casually! Finally , thank you more one time and we have received much support donation by paypal and alipay and wechat pay from the global different cities in the past and now in everyday almost ,here more 1 time thank you supporting us always non-stop 24 hours!谢谢!感谢!动物們全赖有您的支持和支援!of course we are still needing your financial support and helping again in everyday and everytime non-stop 24 hours in the coming future too.今后也請不要讓它(全球动物捐款)停下來.

    Welcome to visit our IG/instagram webpage too if you like.


    or search our word at IG : satiou1i

    如您/閣下想和我們私下聯繫或討論其它捐款方法,也可用这電郵和我們聯絡, e-mail  :   winniehng2018@sina.com

    p.s. 如欲send us donation by 微信/wechat pay ,加我們时請說明是"拯救全球动物捐款"或"rescue global animal donation" 的便可 ,另外如要用 支付宝/alipay 也可以 , 因我們会另外給您我們的微信或支付宝的收款QR CODE或alipay的ID給你轉帳捐款給我們.

    微信/wechat :  andyhojapan

    whatsapp :  +86 15007567025

    e-mail  :    winniehng2018@sina.com


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