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主题标题: 除了那个让人伤心的sait,还有哪个college可以入学 [简洁模式]
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    帖子一览:除了那个让人伤心的sait,还有哪个college可以入学 (新回复在最前,最多列出 6 个)  [列出所有回复]
    callady 发表于: 2004/08/02 01:41am
    Susan,I didn't realize that the way I put forward questions is offensive, I realized now. I appologize. I can understand the pain you have. Hope the time would help cure it.
    susan 发表于: 2004/07/28 04:53am
    One more thing,  I don't want to bring up this post again to harm "calgarychina" to get his refund back.  Please don't reply.  I change my mind not to tell the story.  But, I do hope all the Christians who truly believe in God will help the church and me to stop the destruction and start to rebuild.

    I attended the past Sunday Service in the Calgary Chinese Evanglical Free CHurch.  Pastor Dan had delivered a good message about repent, rebuild and r..If you are a Christian, you must know better than I know.

    susan 发表于: 2004/07/28 04:46am
    Dear hotbebe,  Yhere is no such the ALliance Temple but the Calgary Chinese Alliance Church.  Church cannot replace as a temple  to twist the truth.  I am apologize for the rude saying but I did bite by a mad dog.

    You have such a courage to twist the truth.  I would like you be brave enough to persuade the Calgary Alliance Church to give me an apology to lessen the pain they have defamed me and inflicted on me.  Dare or not dare?

    hotbebe 发表于: 2004/07/28 04:40am
    Dear "susan", Are you the mad dog whose mother was raped by the elders' of the Alliance Temple and gave birth to you that you keep on chasing me ?
    susan 发表于: 2004/07/28 04:33am
    Dear "hotbebe", Are you the mad dog whose mother was raped by the elders' of the Alliance Church and gave birth to you that you keep on chasing me ?
    hotbebe 发表于: 2004/07/28 03:27am
    What happened to you?
    Using the people of Ebay's reacting to my post "Oh dear, it is the worst nightmare happened to a family."

    Why Calgary Bebe Alliance acted like that?
    -  I have thought about this question many many times.  My conslusion is the temple is rottened.  They had too many hot bebe in the temple that they had to find some one to change direction.

    -My dog's father was on diet.  It was the best way to get money from the diet by offering it some treaties and stepping  at the ex-owner to make it further happy to give it more treaties for their waggon.  Most of their elders are paid officers.

    - The final is I have the same Romanian name as the butcher of their farm, who had committed bebeiness and her husband, Ly, is now the rich man in town but still donates good money to this temple.  They used me to protect this Ly.

    I never heard that a temple could do this to a sister or a brother.
    _ I believed so too.  But no more now.

    Can you tell your story? This is an experience to everybody, and we need to share.
    -  I will tell the story as your request in the other topic.  I think SAIT will refund the money.  It is no good to keep this post up .


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