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主题标题: Job Seeking/Resume/Interview Tips (找工作/写简历/面试技巧) 欢迎大家参与补充!! [高级模式]
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    帖子一览:Job Seeking/Resume/Interview Tips (找工作/写简历/面试技巧) 欢迎大家参与补充!! (新回复在最前,最多列出 6 个)  [列出所有回复]
    Justing 发表于: 2008/04/03 04:17pm
    CRYSTALMOON 发表于: 2008/02/09 00:30am
    shaw  你好!你辛苦了!给我们提供了这么多实用的信息。非常感谢。有时间的话还要继续啊。能否提供一下RESUME的样本啊。谢谢啦!
    cncaus 发表于: 2007/04/07 09:16pm
    Max123 and Shaw, this is very helpful, chould you please paste more information about job interview and interview questions which employer may ask?
    Thank you very much! It help me a lot.
    maxyong 发表于: 2006/04/05 06:28pm
    shaw 发表于: 2005/03/07 01:32pm
    We have more and more information about job search and interview. Please post your comments. We need encouragement to provide them for you. If you have no any response, we don't know if the things we provided are correct or not. Your helps maintain our improvements.
    Shaw 发表于: 2005/03/04 04:15am
    [这个贴子最后由Shaw在 2005/03/03 07:16pm 编辑]

    Worst Interview Experiences of the 20th Century
    Here are some interview horror stories told by employers:
    July 8, 1997
    One of our employers asked "Can you tell me about what you consider to be your biggest accomplishment to date?" Answer - "well 3 weeks ago, I quit biting my fingernails - it was a really hard habit for me to break". The interviewer couldn't believe it - here was a recent graduate who had just finished completing a 4 year degree but it paled in comparison to quitting biting his nails. Just a reminder that it is always better to answer questions using professional examples instead of personal ones.
    July 9, 1997
    A firm placed an advertisement in a local newspaper for an assistant who would be responsible for delivering mail and supplies. The advertisement stated "Please send your resume to: Pat" So and So at… such and such a business address. The next evening someone phoned "Pat" at home and asked for Mr. So and So. After being corrected that it was Ms. So and So, the person next asked "What is a re-sume?".

    There are four lessons in this story:
    1.Always follow the directions exactly as stated in the advertisement
    2.Never disturb a prospective employer at home.
    3.Find out who the person doing the hiring is and address him or her appropriately.
    4.Know what a resume is and know how to pronounce it!


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