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    帖子一览:COIPC Professional Development 2005 (新回复在最前,最多列出 6 个)  [列出所有回复]
    libo 发表于: 2005/04/30 09:11pm
    Hello, Dear members and?friends:
    CPEAC Oil Industrial Professionals Committee has made a work plan for the
    rest of 2005. The goal of this plan is to build a resources industry (oil & gas)
    based network among muti-discipline Chinese professionals, including upstream &
    downstream, engineering & geosciences; To attract & retain people with
    career experiences, and provide assistance to people in professional needs;
    To promote & bridge the culture, technological, & business internationally.

    '05 plan:

    Our focus of this year will be on career information promotion, exchange, &
    Although it should be clearly understood that COIPC is not a career agency, a
    place to
    find jobs or prepare r閟um閟, it is possible that one can obtain some valuable
    with prudent self-judgement, to better plan their careers. A series of events &
    have been planned to help us reach our goal. These events/seminars are run &
    supported by
    a group of volunteers. Please express your thankfulness whenever you feel it
    fit. We also
    need input from you. We hope we can provide a helpful environment not only for
    new comers,
    but also for "well-settlers", "starter settlers", & "settlers in practice"

    Here are the scheduled events. These are adult events (No young children are
    allowed, please).
    Admission will be free for CPEAC members or $5.0/family for non member .
    The charge may be waived for people with needs. All the revenue will go to


    Sat. May 14, 8:15 ~10:15?am
    CMCN address is: 125, 920 36 Street NE
    For registration, send email to xuanziyan88@hotmail.com (your name,
    profession, phone number and CPEAC membership or not)

    Discipline: Geosciences
    Topic: Continuing career developments in the industry: >>10 yrs later, what have
    we learned about
    the industry & the workplace . (key words: be successful/the
    responsibilities/value the past and
    current experience/specialist or generalist/more..)

    Wang Xishuo (Geo-X); a research geoph. with >20 yrs industry experiences in
    Calgary; developed some
    key seismic methods, well-known in geophysics society & very humble at same
    Liu Shuming (Suncor, Devon); a respected structure geologist with ~15 yrs local
    experience in both
    exploration & production; very knowledgeable & good resources; a man with big
    Li Guoping (EnCana); a geoph interpreter with ~15 yrs WCSB exp, covered a lot
    area, very solid & tech
    driven, also active in both exploration & production, always keep big picture in
    Wei lei (Veritas Geophysical); geoph contract/services with ~8 yrs local
    exp, worked in small & big companies, seen a lot of 0s & 1s.

    JUNE 18~22 (TBA) before or after AAPG convention, Calgary
    topic: The status of oil industry in China; the strategy for her to grow; her
    quest for oil.
    Key contact: XUE aimin
    Note: pending on Chinese delegates' schedule

    JULY?summer break.

    Sat. AUGUST 13,
    location: CMCN
    Topic: Career Fair. A Special session on job searching.
    Speaker: Mi Yanpen (Shell Canada), Zhang Hongjun,Max

    Sat. Sep.10,
    location: CMCN
    Discipline: upstream engineering
    Topic: Good or bad luck? It is not easy to start a career; the importance of
    controlling things that
    are controllable; the need for making mistakes; plan ahead & build up personal
    Key contact: CHENG rongxia (Shell Canada)

    Sat. Oct.15,
    location: CMCN
    Discipline: downstream engineering
    Topic: Downstream industry: the place for engineers & more
    Key contact: ZHANG hongjun

    Sat. Nov.19,
    location: CMCN
    discipline: corporate culture; x-culture
    Topic: A general industry comparison at technical levels between Canada & China:
    what need to retain, what need to change
    Key contact: ZHANG jiaji, HUANG yanlin

    Mid December, social, pot luck party (in smaller groups), planning of '06


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