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-- 作者: kingone
-- 发布时间: 2006/12/17 06:50am

超级地段,完美服务设施,提供长短期住宿,位于多伦多市风光秀丽的北约克 (Finch /Hwy404),华人最多,商业网点最集中的区域 ,这里中西超市,名校,学府(著名Seneca College,York University,多市前五名名中学A.Y.Jackson High School,Sir John Macdonald )银行,图书馆,公园,政府办公机构(你可以办健康卡,驾照,身份证,工卡)林立,接待站楼下就是FINCH AV 24小时通宵TTC公交车站,仅一站就到Fairview Mall 地铁,接待站到机场仅20分钟车程,楼下公交车站就有直达机场班车,交通极为方便。没有其他接待站可与相比。 周围有大型华人和西人超市Food Basic, Nofrill , Dominion Saving Center, Zellers, War-Market ,华人阳光超市,好景超市,鸿泰超市,大统华超市,Pacific Mall(最具规模的港式购物中心——太古广场),Metro Square(最具规模的台式购物中心——大都会广场),接待站有高级柏文房和镇屋房,多间单人,双人套房,每间房配有电视机,高速上网,可以自己煮食,有停车位 .同时提供机场接送, 新移民落地后,可短期居宿,也可在周围另找房子,长期住宿,加华之家是新移民登陆安居乐业的首选第一站,查询请电联系电话647-896-5988或电邮billionairechen@hotmail.com 不论你在世界各地以任何方式联系我们,我们都可以用电话热情回复你,短期住宿费用: 单人间:20-25元/晚, 双人间:30-35元/晚 三人间:40-60元/晚 ,机场接送费用:30元/次

-- 作者: Benutella
-- 发布时间: 2009/08/29 11:19pm

Good evening

I have bought new desktop and was thinking what antivirus application to buy?

<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy1bgXOpDEQ>forex turbo review</a>

-- 作者: Benutella
-- 发布时间: 2009/08/30 06:26pm

Good morning

I will buy new mac and was thinking what anti virus application to acquire?

<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy1bgXOpDEQ>fap turbo</a>

-- 作者: Assome
-- 发布时间: 2009/09/02 08:54pm

Good evening

Whenever I try to burn a music DVDRW on iTunes it makes this weird clicking noise and doesn't end up burning the DVD.
I tried using the regular drag and drop onto the CD burning folder itself and it still makes this weird clicking noise.
I'm using sony DVD and they worked fine when I first got them then all of a sudden it's doing this.
I've tried another brand of disk (noname) and it's still making the same noise...

Any advice any of you?

<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwrbG1hJFEw>fap review</a>

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