
- 卡尔加里信息中心论坛 (http://www.calgarychinese.ca/bbs/cgi-bin/leoboard.cgi)
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--- Free Microstation Training (http://www.calgarychinese.ca/bbs/cgi-bin/forums.cgi?forum=21&topic=67)

-- 作者: shen
-- 发布时间: 2010/10/01 03:41pm

I'd like provide Microstation training (V8) for free. If you are interested in Microstation.. please send me a email to me. The course will be opened based on how many people who want to join. Please download the software (Microstation Powerdraft) free version from bentley.com before training. and you will need installed on you laptop.

I also need somewhere to do the training, It'll be very helpful if someone can provide the training room. The course will be at weekend.

The course will help you to find a job or to improve your civil engineering design skills.

please send me a email to me.

-- 作者: 山里人
-- 发布时间: 2010/10/05 08:07pm

I am interested in it. Please contact me @ sidney_dong@yahoo.ca if the class opens.

-- 作者: EdXWang
-- 发布时间: 2010/10/08 03:47am


I'm interested in it, too.
Please contact me by e-mail edxcwang@yahoo.com

Thanks & Regards,

-- 作者: nnaa
-- 发布时间: 2010/10/09 02:17am

please contact me by E-mail: luyiwww@yahoo.com

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