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   Job Seeking/Resume/Interview T ... 
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 * 贴子主题: Job Seeking/Resume/Interview Tips (找工作/写简历/面试技巧) 欢迎大家参与补充!!   保存该页为文件  本贴有问题,发送短消息报告给版主  加入个人收藏&关注本贴  显示可打印的版本  把本贴打包邮递  把本贴加入IE收藏夹  发送本页面给朋友  

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对于大多数刚到加拿大的新移民来说,找工作是继安顿家庭后面临的一个最困难的问题.由于国内的环境和方式不同,很多人不知道怎么去找工作?怎样写简历?怎样去应对面试. 很多人在上了一些WORKSHOP之后还是找不到感觉.而WORKSHOP的老师只能是泛泛而谈,无法针对个人的情况提供有益的指导和帮助.


希望大家踊跃参与,互相交流,没准下次LAID OFF再找工作面试的时候,我们也能用上这些技巧.


  发贴时间2005/02/28 02:27am 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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[这个贴子最后由Shaw在 2005/03/03 07:34pm 编辑]

When calling, Mention the last information you heard from the right person.
When phoning, try to call his or her name twice.

“Thanks for your time.”
“Are you still hiring people now?”
“I’m still interesting with your company.”
“I understand how busy you are and I’m really interesting with the position because it fits well with my qualification skills. So I have to disturb you again”
“Will you keep my resume for the future need?”
“Do you remember me? That guy who didn’t speak English very well?”
“I’m eager to be part of your team, and… ”
“Now I just saw you posting. I’m very interesting in this position. I think I’m the right person ”
“Do you get my resume? What do you think?”

If you are not sure of the right person, ask: “I would appreciate your help. What would the name and title be of the person in charge of the ------personnel?”
It’s also appreciated to ask: “Could you please spell that for me?” and “What do they like to be called?”

1. When you are making a preliminary call to find the name and /or title of the contact person receptionist often asked: “What is this regarding?” If you are intending to send or hand deliver a cover letter and resume. A good response would be:
“I am sending the ------(title of contact person) some correspondence and it is important that I have the name, title and address correct.”

2. Other responses to “What is this regarding?”
-“I’m phoning to discuss my qualification regarding present or future position”
-“It’s about the petrochemical engineering field.”
-“It’s a business call.”
-“Your promotional information caught my eye and as a result I would like to learn more about your company.”

3. Responses to “Is this about employment?”
“Yes. I’m a petrochemical process engineer and I’m interesting in working for your organization. How would I go about talking to someone about the qualification I offer?”

4. Response to “Is this from a job search group?” Normally you do not mention that you are with a group, but in this case say,
“Yes. I’m conducting a full-time, professional job search and because of my background in Petrochemical Process Engineering Designing I would like to talk with ------”

5. Avoid telling the receptionist that your call is personal. You may get through but the employer will question your honesty.

If the employer is not in or busy, ask
“Could you please tell me the best time to call back?”
Record the time to make the call.
If this does not work, as a last resort, leave your number for a return call. Be sure you have a dependable phone answering system.
If the employer is out of town or not available, ask
“Could you please tell me who is taking their place?”-get name-“May I speak with------?”

It may be necessary to
⑴ Write to some employers you are interested in or
⑵ Ask if you can pick up an application form if you cannot get through to them by phone.

If it is a message machine, leave your name and number.

1. to the person answering the telephone:
⑴ Manager name is unknown:
Hello ______, my name is ______. Would you please tell me the name of the person in charge of the engineering department? ______Thank you. May I please speak with him/her? ______Thank you.
⑵ Manager name known:
Hello______, my name is______. I____________. I’d like to come by and talk with you about employment opportunities. When would be better?

“I understand that you have no opening right now, but I would still like to come by and discuss the possibility of future opening with you.”
“I see. In that case may I drop my resume off at your office for future reference and possibly see you for a few minutes?”
“I see. Do you know of any other companies that might benefit from my skills?”
“One final thing______, may I call you back in one month’s time in case there have been any changes?”

“Since I have a background (or training) in ______you may be able to use me in your organization.”
“Since I have a background (or training) in ______and would like to come by and speak with you about employment in this field.”

  发贴时间2005/02/28 03:43am IP: 已设置保密

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Phone Strategies for Getting an Interview

Once you have developed your phone script, you need to know how to use it effectively. Here are more tried and true tips:

Get to the Hiring Authority

You need to get directly to the person who would supervise you. Unless you want to work in the personnel department, you wouldn't normally ask to talk to someone who does. Depending on the type and size of the organization you're calling, you should have a pretty good idea of the title of the person who would supervise you. In a small business you might ask to speak to the "person in charge." In a larger one, you would ask for the name of the person who is in charge of a particular department.

Get the Name of a Person

If you don't have the name of the person you need to speak to, ask for it. For example, ask for the name of the person in charge of the accounting department if that is  you want to work. Usually, you will be given the supervisor's name and your call will be transferred to him or her immediately. When you do get a name, get the correct spelling and write it down right away. Then you can use that person's name in your conversation.

Get Past the Receptionist

In some cases, receptionists and secretaries will try to screen out your call. If they find out you are looking for a job, they may transfer you to the personnel department or ask you to send an application or resume. Here are some things you can do to keep from getting screened out:

·Call Back: Call back a day later and say you are getting ready to send some correspondence to the person who manages such and such. You want to use the correct name and title and request that they give you this information. This is true since you will be sending them something soon. And this approach usually gets you what you need. Say "thank you" and call back in a day or so. Then ask for the supervisor or manager by name.

·Call When the Secretary Is Out: You are likely to get right through if you call when that receptionist is out to lunch. Other good times are just before and after normal work hours. Less experienced staff members are likely to answer the phones and put you right through. The boss also might be in early or working late.

When Referred by Someone Else

It is always best to be referred by someone else. If this is the case, immediately give the name of the person who suggested you call. For example, say:
"Hello, Ms. Beetle. Joan Bugsby, suggested I give you a call." If the receptionist asks why you are calling, say: "A friend of Ms. Beetle's suggested I give her a call about a personal matter."
When a friend of the employer recommends that you call, you usually get right through. It's that simple.

When Calling Someone You Know

Sometimes using your telephone script will not make sense. For example, if you are calling someone you know, you would normally begin with some friendly conversation before getting to the purpose of your call. Then, you could use your phone script by saying something like this:
"The reason I called is to let you know I am looking for a job, and I thought you might be able to help. Let me tell you a few things about myself. I am looking for a position as..." (Continue with the rest of your phone script here).
There are many other situations  you will need to adapt your basic script. Use your own judgment on this. With practice, it becomes easier!

Your Goal Is to Get an Interview

The primary goal of a phone contact is to get an interview. To succeed you must be ready to get past the first and even the second rejection.

Ask Three Times for an Interview

You must practice asking three times for the interview! Here is an example:
You: When may I come in for an interview?
Employer: I don't have any positions open now...
You: That's OK, I'd still like to come in to talk to you about the possibility of future openings.
Employer: I really don't plan on hiring within the next six months or so.
You: Then I'd like to come in and learn more about what you do. I'm sure you know a lot about the industry, and I am looking for ideas on getting into it and moving up.
Although this approach does not always work, asking the third time works more often than most people would believe! It is important to learn how to do this, since overcoming initial rejections is a very important part of getting to "Yes."

Arrange a Time

If the person agrees to an interview, arrange a specific date and time. If you are not sure of the correct name or address, call back later and ask the receptionist.

Sometimes an Interview Does Not Make Sense

Sometimes you will decide not to ask for an interview. The person may not seem helpful or you may have caught him or her at a busy time. If so, you can take another approach:

·Get a Referral: Ask for names of other people who might be able to help you. Find out how to contact them. Then add these new contacts to your job search network!

·Ask to Call Back: If your contact is busy when you call, ask if you can call back. Get a specific time and day to do this, and add the call to your to-do list for that day. If you do call back, the employer will be impressed. And she may give you an interview for just that reason.

·Ask to Call Back From Time to Time: Ask if you can keep in touch. Maybe the employer will hear of an opening or have some other information for you. Many job seekers get their best leads from a person they have checked back with several times.

Follow Up!

It is important to follow up with each person you contact in your search for a job. This includes following up with people in your network, including those you phone. This effort can make a big difference in their remembering and helping you. Here is the best way to follow up: Send thank-you notes!
It is good manners to send a thank-you note to the person who helped you. Send a thank-you note right after the phone call. If you arranged for an interview, send a note saying you look forward to your meeting. If the contact gave you a referral to someone else, send another note telling her how things turned out. Or send a thank-you note telling her you followed up on her suggestion.

  发贴时间2005/03/03 08:52pm IP: 已设置保密

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Dressing for Interview Success

An important, but often neglected part of preparing for an interview is "dressing for success". Here are some top tips:
1.Dress on the conservative side. It is always best to dress to suit the employer or the type of business. A suit may be best for men; and a suit or a sophisticated looking dress for women. Be clean and pressed. It is better to overdress than underdress for the interview.
2.Make sure your hair is freshly washed and is neat. If you have a beard or moustache, make sure it is clean and neatly trimmed; crumbs will turn off any employer!
3.Make sure you are freshly bathed. Use a deodorant. You will undoubtedly be a little nervous, and it's human nature to perspire in stressful circumstances.
4.Use mouthwash and dental floss. Smells of garlic, onion, tobacco, and coffee can accumulate in an enclosed office.
5.Do not chew gum. Do not drink alcohol or smoke prior to (or during!) the interview.
6.Make sure your shoes are newly polished, by the way, wear shoes, not sandals.
7.Fingernails should be clean and well manicured.
8.If the skin on your hands tends to be dry, put on some moisturiser. It is not pleasant to shake hands with someone with dry scaly skin!
9.Do not wear cologne, aftershave, or perfume or wear very, very sparingly. Many places are scent-free these days.
10.Wear a smile!
When reading the list did you think "I'm going to dress however I like!  They'll just have to take it or leave it."  Full marks for honesty, but it won’t put food on the table.  Besides once you have the job you may have the freedom to express your personal style; until then, avoid creating unnecessary strikes against yourself.


  发贴时间2005/03/04 04:13am IP: 已设置保密

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[这个贴子最后由Shaw在 2005/03/03 07:16pm 编辑]

Worst Interview Experiences of the 20th Century
Here are some interview horror stories told by employers:
July 8, 1997
One of our employers asked "Can you tell me about what you consider to be your biggest accomplishment to date?" Answer - "well 3 weeks ago, I quit biting my fingernails - it was a really hard habit for me to break". The interviewer couldn't believe it - here was a recent graduate who had just finished completing a 4 year degree but it paled in comparison to quitting biting his nails. Just a reminder that it is always better to answer questions using professional examples instead of personal ones.
July 9, 1997
A firm placed an advertisement in a local newspaper for an assistant who would be responsible for delivering mail and supplies. The advertisement stated "Please send your resume to: Pat" So and So at… such and such a business address. The next evening someone phoned "Pat" at home and asked for Mr. So and So. After being corrected that it was Ms. So and So, the person next asked "What is a re-sume?".

There are four lessons in this story:
1.Always follow the directions exactly as stated in the advertisement
2.Never disturb a prospective employer at home.
3.Find out who the person doing the hiring is and address him or her appropriately.
4.Know what a resume is and know how to pronounce it!


  发贴时间2005/03/04 04:15am IP: 已设置保密

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We have more and more information about job search and interview. Please post your comments. We need encouragement to provide them for you. If you have no any response, we don't know if the things we provided are correct or not. Your helps maintain our improvements.

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Max123 and Shaw, this is very helpful, chould you please paste more information about job interview and interview questions which employer may ask?
Thank you very much! It help me a lot.


  发贴时间2007/04/07 09:16pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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shaw  你好!你辛苦了!给我们提供了这么多实用的信息。非常感谢。有时间的话还要继续啊。能否提供一下RESUME的样本啊。谢谢啦!


  发贴时间2008/02/09 00:30am 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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  发贴时间2008/04/03 04:17pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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