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 卡城中国专家协会(CPEAC) [返回]
   简讯:2005 卡城华人河道小径义 ... 
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简讯:2005 卡城华人河道小径义务清扫活动圆满结束

www.calgarychinese.com 卡城华人网 2005年5月24日

2005 卡城华人河道小径义务清扫活动圆满结束



Be a Model Minority and Environmentally Conscious Citizen.
      - CPEAC River Bank and Pathway Clean-up Campaign. -

Organized by CPEAC and city of Calgary, more than 50 volunteers take part in
2005 City River Bank and Pathway Clean-up Campaign. Among the participants,
there are CPEAC members, friends; from school kids, teenagers to the seniors.
Volunteers feel that our Chinese people are not just hard working and law
citizen, we are also environmentally responsible community and should make our
contribution to the environmental protection. We hope by participating this
campaign we can educate ourselves, our children and the public the importance of
environmental protection.

More than twenty volunteers went to breakfast gathering for the
volunteers. CPEAC group was very lucky. Six of our volunteer won a prize:
including two of three grand prizes, one mount bike went to our group leader,
Mr. Y.X. Zhang, one weekend free car rental went to Mr. W.B. Tan.
Every body was enjoying the Stampede style breakfast and volunteer spirits.
We felt honored to be the only Chinese organization and only minority community
among the participants.

CPEAC volunteers collected garbage along the Elbow River near the Lindsay
Park. The bank is steep and littered by homeless. Volunteers were carefully
and collecting a variety of waste: plastic bags, old newspaper, boxes, cans...
Most strangely, a lawn chair was tangled in high tree branches.

After more than one hour hard work, the Elbow River is showing her natural
beauty under the spring sun. Wish all of us and our children and
children's children can enjoy her beauty.

CPEAC would like to thank all the volunteers for this campaign, specially,
our group leaders: Mr. Y.X. Zhang, J.D. Liang and Z. Zhang; Sponsors for
sign-up: Dr. Jim Yang, Mr. Simon Fan and Ms. Sherry Han.

Please visit chineseprofessionals.org for photo news.





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